Habits of Mind
Cultivating Self-Regulation in the Classroom: An Educator’s GuideAs educators, we have the unique opportunity to shape not just the academic success ofour students but also their personal development. One of the most critical skills we can foster inour students is self-regulation—the ability to manage emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in a waythat promotes goal achievement. Self-regulated learners tend to be more successful academicallyand are better equipped to handle life’s challenges. Understanding and teaching self-regulation isessential to creating an environment where students can thrive. Self-regulation is a processreferring to the knowledge and awareness of one’s own ability to learn (Etkin, 2018).In terms of emotional well-being, self-regulation helps students manage stress, anxiety,and other emotional challenges that often arise in the classroom. Students who can regulate theiremotions are better equipped to handle setbacks, such as poor test scores or difficult assignments,without becoming overwhelmed. When students can persevere in the classroom, the lesson flowseasily and everyone remains focused. There were a plethora of situations when a child did notself-regulate while under my supervision. Other students and the lesson plan suffered drasticallyuntil the child’s emotions were under control. Therefore, with emotional based techniques forself-regulation, education will not compete with disturbances.Understanding Self-Regulation
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